Tips Bikin Konten Medsos yang Bisa Dibanjiri Like - Inspirasi & Inovasi

Tips Bikin Konten Medsos yang Bisa Dibanjiri Like
Tips Bikin Konten Medsos yang Bisa Dibanjiri Like

Persaingan ketat di dunia media sosial (medsos) dalam berburu like, mendorong setiap user berlomba membuat konten yang disukai banyak orang.

Fotografer Putri Anindya memiliki sejumlah tips untuk dapat menangkap berbagai momen yang bisa berpotensi mendatangkan like di sejumlah medsos. Salah satu yang paling mudah adalah memastikan kebersihan lensa kamera yang akan digunakan untuk mengambil gambar.

"Meski terdengar sepele, lensa memiliki peran penting dalam pengambilan gambar. Lensa yang terdapat noda dapat memengaruhi gambar yang dihasilkan sehingga terlihat buram atau terlihat kabur," ujar perempuan yang lebih senang dipanggil Puan tersebut dalam acara media gathering Samsung Galaxy S9 dan S9+ di Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat.

Dia juga mengingatkan untuk memerhatikan kehadiran leading lines dalam pengambilan gambar. Leading lines merupakan garis dalam gambar yang membimbing mata menuju fokus sebuah gambar dan memberikan efek bahwa objek tersebut terkesan jauh.

Puan memberikan sejumlah contoh leading lines yang dapat ditemukan di sejumlah titik pengambilan gambar, seperti bayangan, garis pasir di pantai, jalan lurus yang terbentang, pohon-pohon yang tertanam beriringan, hingga pola teratur di atas gurun.

Selain itu, pencahayaan juga menjadi aspek penting berikutnya yang perlu diperhatikan. Cahaya memiliki peran penting dalam menghasilkan kualitas gambar yang baik. Kondisi pencahayaan yang berlebih maupun redup dapat menimbulkan efek yang tidak diinginkan seperti over exposure, blur, red eye, hingga noise.

Untuk itu, diperlukan bukaan lensa yang sesuai dengan kondisi cahaya. Puan mengatakan, Galaxy S9 dan S9+ dapat menjadi pilihan mengingat dua ponsel tersebut memiliki dual aperture, yaitu f/1.5 dan f/2.4, yang secara berurutan dapat digunakan dalam keadaan pencahayaan redup maupun terang.

Penentuan sudut pandang yang beragam turut menjadi tips dari Puan dalam memaksimalkan pengambilan gambar. Kreativitas menjadi salah satu kunci dalam menentukan perspektif yang unik saat pengambilan gambar dilakukan.

"Memotret itu gak harus selalu dari eye view, tapi harus dicoba juga lebih ke atas, lebih ke bawah dekat dengan tanah, lebih ke kanan, atau lebih ke kiri. Saya malah sering banget sambil squat kalau sedang mengambil gambar," candanya.

Fotografer yang juga cukup aktif di medsos ini juga menyebutkan bahwa pembingkaian turut berpengaruh untuk membimbing mata menuju objek tertentu. Hal ini akan membuat perhatian orang yang melihat akan fokus pada objek paling menonjol.

Menurutnya, 'bingkai' yang digunakan sebagai penempatan objek dapat berupa jendela, cabang pohon, hingga tangan sang fotografer itu sendiri, tergantung kondisi yang paling memungkinkan dalam pengambilan gambar.

"Kita juga harus mau effort untuk eksplor titik-titik yang mau dijadikan tempat pengambilan gambar. Selain memahami kondisi medan, ini juga bisa bikin kita lebih peka sama keunikan yang ada di sekitar kita," ucap Puan.

Terakhir, yang tak kalah pentingnya, adalah penentuan caption dalam unggahan hasil karya di medsos. Caption yang menarik, terlebih mampu memberikan narasi, akan mendukung sebuah gambar maupun video menjadi epik.

"Practice makes perfect. Kita harus sering-sering latihan juga untuk mengasah terus potensi yang kita punya, karena hasil gak akan mengkhianati usaha," pungkasnya

from Inspirator Media - Inspirasi & Inovasi

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Forex Signals - How To Trade Instantly As You Have A Decade of Forex Trading Experience

Seriously consider forex signals if you have not traded profitably, have limited experience, or just do not have much time to devote your forex trading.

From a simple one-day email to a forex mentor who sits with you all day while holding your hand while trading, a forex trading portfolio of alerts can be completely free and can turn you into a profitable trader instantly.

If like us, you have ever analyzed charts and put your own trades, you will almost certainly also be sitting in front of your screen wondering if you are doing the right thing.

Questions like "have I entered this trade too late?" and "whether I trade in the right direction (long when I have to be short)" will definitely enter your mind.

How many times do you wish you had an expert trader with decades of experience guiding your trades, getting you out of dangerous trades, and steering you in the direction of trading with a higher probability of success?

We were in that position many times in the early days, but always imagining the cost of having an expert in hand would be far greater than the extra profit we might make. We were wrong.

There are many services available, known as forex signals, forex alerts, or forex tips.

Trade signals come in a variety of formats, according to how many days you can devote to trading. And yes be careful, there are a lot of scams out there, but we will show you how to avoid them, and we will lead you to a better one.

Forex Trading Signals - lots of variety

The main characteristics of forex trading signals to be considered are as follows;

Cost: Free OR monthly subscription
Complexity: Simple "one email a day" OR Complete Service
Controls: You are in full control OR the signal provider trades the a / c for you
Trading style: e.g. frequent scalper OR low-volume swing trader
A free forex signal may at first seem like a great idea, but as we'll tell you here, you probably really like paying for a free subscription service (yes, we know it does not make sense - but read on)
Most forex trading signals charge a very modest subscription fee, usually in the region of USD $ 80- $ 400 per month (although happiestly at the lower end of this range), while there are also websites that provide forex signals at no cost.

In its simplest form, forex trading signals will send you a one-day forex trading email to include trading arrangements for the next 24 hours.

Some of these are purely computer-generated, some computers are generated and then audited by human experts, and some are actually researched and produced exclusively by a human expert trader who can add some market comments to their forex forecasts.

Some forex trading signals are high volume scalpers, calling a lot of trades in a single day that aims at earning a few pips on each. Others just mention a few trades a day, which aims at 20 - 80 pips on every single trade.

At the end of a more comprehensive service of the market is a type of forex signaling service that provides you with almost 24 hours a day of live online broadcasts calling forex trading tips as they occur, explaining the logic of the proposed trade and supporting it with email or even video clips.

Some forex trading signals will even trade their signals in your own account for you, so you just have to sit and watch.
This is similar to what robots do by using forex signaling software, but with the added assurance that it's done by experienced savvy human traders rather than stupid engines following the algorithm.

Think about a full-service forex trade signal like a forex TV station, which you have run in the background on your computer or laptop that is internet connected throughout the day. The broadcast remains calm when nothing can be done, freeing up your time for other priorities in your day, then calling your attention when there is a trade to be placed or managed.

You may be surprised, as we are, to find that the prices charged by a full service provider are usually very similar to those charged by one day provider email.

This type of service usually also includes interactive facilities, allowing you to send a message to your forex mentor if you have any questions.

Many forex signaling services have very loyal memberships, and some even limit the number of members that a

from Inspirator Media - Inspirasi & Inovasi

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Forex Money Manager - Have You Considered This Option?

Forex Money Managers is an online managed Forex account that offers to manage, trade the market on behalf of clients in Forex. The Forex investment manager is ready to provide the service to you. It goes without saying that this option provides many advantages to investors due to the fact that most managed Forex accounts make more money than regular retail investors.

For the average retail retailer who is just starting out in Forex trading, this forms a rather difficult activity to master Forex trading. Most of the beginner Forex traders fail in a few months. It should be pointed out that most of the beginner Forex traders lose money not only when trading currencies but also when dealing with managed Forex accounts that fail to become reputable. The problem is finding high-performing and high performing money managers is more of a challenging but worth the effort

Benefit from Forex money manager
The significant benefit of choosing to invest through a Forex fund manager is that the investor does not need to come to the table with a large investment to access this specially managed Forex account. The general assumption is that most of the managed Forex accounts require investors to invest at least a million dollars. While this is true, but in most cases, a managed Forex account only takes about $ 5,000 to get started. One of the main benefits of a managed Forex account is that investors retain full control over their investments.

Forex fund managers are one of the most sought after commodities, as more people look to the Forex market to increase returns on their portfolio. So why hire a Forex money manager to keep your funds? in the first example, is the belief that they will make money for you. So what will force investors to choose a Forex money manager and how, in practice, can Forex money managers help to help investors earn superior returns? The fact that investors get the ability to access the complex and volatile Forex trading of the world with a small, well-run number of experts, with a low $ 5,000 deposit makes you enter the most managed accounts of Forex.

Forex money managers offer many retail investors the possibility to invest in the Forex market, where previously they did not exist. Finding a well reputed and high performing foreign exchange manager can sometimes be difficult, but it's worth the search.

Why choose a Forex money manager
After your investment is noticed by Forex money managers offer various possibilities and advantages for retail investors. Most Forex investment managers make more money than regular retail investors. The question why so many people are now investing with Forex money managers or why hire a Forex money manager to keep your funds best answered below

In the first example, is the belief that they will make money for you
On average most beginner Forex traders tend to lose their investment by the first 3 months
Investors tend to switch back to investing in stocks, or can look for suitable money managers to manage their money in the Forex market.
Finding a good and high performing foreign exchange manager can sometimes be difficult, but it's worth the search.

So what's so great about these managed Forex accounts? Choosing to use a managed Forex account gives investors access to qualified Forex fund managers who have the necessary experience. On a higher scale of scale, there are fund managers who require investors to enter at least one million dollars, but at the same time the majority of managed Forex accounts are looking for retail investors to access potential profits from the currency market with as little as $ 5,000.

Article Source:

from Inspirator Media - Inspirasi & Inovasi

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Baca juga : What Are Your Options About Forex Options Brokers?

Forex broker options can generally be divided into two separate categories: forex brokers that offer online forex trading platforms and forex brokers who only brokers forex trading options via telephone trading are placed through dealing / brokers. Some forex broker options offer online forex trading options as well as dealing desks / brokers for investors who prefer to book through brokers live forex options.

Minimum trading accounts required by forex broker options vary from several thousand dollars to over fifty thousand dollars. Also, forex broker options may require an investor to trade a forex option contract with a minimum notional value (contract size) up to $ 500,000. Last but not the least, certain types of forex contract options can be entered in and out at any time while other types of forex contract options lock you in for a validity period or a settlement. Depending on the type of forex option contract you enter, you may be stuck the wrong way with an option contract that you can not trade. Before trading, investors should ask their forex broker options about minimum initial trading accounts, minimum required contracts, and contract liquidity.

There are a number of trading options forex products offered to investors by forex broker options. We believe it is important for investors to understand the distinctly different risk characteristics of each of the forex trading options products mentioned below that are offered by companies trading forex options.

Plain Vanilla Forex Options Broker - The plain vanilla option generally refers to standard put and call option contracts traded through exchange (however, in the case of forex trading options, plain vanilla options will refer to standard, generic option contracts traded through agents or clearinghouses over- the-counter (OTC)). In the simplest terms, the vanilla forex option will be defined as the purchase or sale of standard forex call option contracts or forex put option contracts.

There are only a few forex broker / dealer options offering online forex plain vanilla options with real-time streaming quotes 24 hours a day. Most of the forex and bank broker options only broker forex options over the phone. The vanilla currency option for major currencies has good liquidity and you can easily enter a long or short market, or get out of the market at any time of day or night.

Vanilla forex option contracts can be used in combination with each other and / or with forex spot contracts to form basic strategies such as closed call writing, or much more complex forex trading strategies such as butterflies, strangles, spread ratios, synthetics, etc. Also , the vanilla plain option is often the basis of a forex trading options strategy known as the exotic option.

Exotic Forex Options Broker - First, it is important to note that there are several different forex definitions for "exotic" and we do not want anyone to be confused. The first definition of "exotic" forex refers to any individual currency that is less widely traded than the major currencies. The second forex definition for "exotic" is what we refer to on this website - forex option contract (trading strategy) which is derived from standard vanilla forex option contract.

To understand what makes the exotic forex option "exotic," you must first understand what makes forex option "non-vanilla." The choice of plain vanilla forex has a definite expiration structure, payment structure, and payment amount. Exotic forex contract options may have changes in one or all of the above features of the vanilla forex option. It is important to note that these options are exotic, as they are often tailored to the needs of specific investors by exotic forex broker options, generally not very liquid, if at all.

Article Source:

from Inspirator Media - Inspirasi & Inovasi

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Baca juga : Making Money Online With Forex Trading System

In this article I will discuss making money online, Forex trading, and software related to Forex trading. Good and bad. And includes some other things. While there are many systems out there, more importantly is fraud, there is not enough because there are rich online quick schemes and ponzi schemes in general. There are still hundreds and even thousands of scams that are directly related to Forex Currency Trading. These scams come in various forms but often get immediate notes on them quickly, yet some others somehow escape from negative publicity and go for years and hit unsuspecting earnings seekers where it's the most painful every day. The problem with Forex is that so much that seems too good to be true, and many things are, but it is also true that many people have made millions and some are not really good at it. You can benefit from the right robot.

The first thing I want to discuss is the sales page topic, the common pitch page that many products use and you often think it's gone too far or is definitely a scam just by seeing it. But when you think hard about it, more than half this time does not really happen ... This sales page is very long and full of information because they are generally advertised on the web and it's more or less a business strategy, like opposing anything that reflect the product. Certain vendors force you to use pitch pages, they need a certain landing page and that makes everything easier for a sales transaction.

So instead of guiding you through a structured website with more details through various sections; they often use this pitch page and they generally pack it with information and a lot of difficult sales. This has proven to be a trend and it is getting harder and harder for some EAs to market their software without this kind of pitch page. Often with digital products and / or items that you can order online. When it comes to these make-money-online and Forex websites they often have a lot of flash to them and obviously a lot of things to lure customers in. In reality it's not much different from other forms of advertising, certainly not people like gambling, and so on. They need to have some kind of attraction and competitive. My conclusion is that although it looks like it could be a fraud, do your homework and it's not possible. It depends. Some things are a sign, but I do not think web design and hard sales are a direct sign of fraud. Although in the Forex Market something to expect is a graph and proof.

With regard to surveys and other things, it's the amount to fill in spam for quite a lot of money, data entry is the same and much more annoying than even the most desperate. It also makes you look bad if you tell your friends. You still have to spend time making real money, not prizes, and some also need a credit card number on record, and they also send you and other things. Let's be honest, that sucks. This is the bottom of an unworthy barrel job. This is for the ultra-lazy. The type of man who for example may be deceived by the Forex system. Not serious adults who seek to profit from investing and extend their savings, along with generating more money in general.

I've tried a click service just to see if I can really make money, in the popular moneytec forum it's highly recommended by a group of lazy workers in home users, but I bought it then, and, no joke I signed up and they gave know me that it will be easy and they will make it easier to visit 1000 sites or anything you visit for 15 cents. So I clicked the link and it just started loading every 2 seconds, it was so slow, I waited 15 minutes and it was just like 25 sites, I got the virus afterwards, and I closed it quickly. I left 15 cents for it and immediately thought that these unfortunate souls who did this all were much more desperate than I was. I am not included in such slums on the internet. This is my first time writing about it. Also a few years ago before I started trading Forex, I also wrote some surveys and never paid once. I have been marketing online for some success, but especially my success is through Forex Trading. That's why I do not have to do any real work and can sit around doing things like this all day long. Publishing is very important to me. Once something you write online is indexed by a major search engine like Google, chances are it will be there for a very long time. Anyway I think it matters ...

There are other ways you can make money online without Forex Trading, although unfortunately this is often the basis of work per barrel; dull data entry, fill out surveys for money, to name a few more general. If you want to create a website, you can also advertise on one of your sites or network sites, and for that you need fresh content and you need to get traffic, which is much harder than anyone might think. You can sell products virtually as an affiliate, even though you need to find your niche and work very hard at it, it becomes time-consuming work for some people and no matter what you will need to invest in something no matter what you do . Whether it's Forex, Web Design, Ads or whatever it is or a combination of things, most importantly it takes time and ability to customize your passion. While you still have more freedom, online affiliate marketing is very crowded and has lasted for years. You can also use revenue sharing articles and / or video submission services in hopes of becoming one of the few people who can actually earn a living. And that's not for everyone. If you have four small children and only have an extra hour or two per day to earn extra income, chances are you do not have time to play a figure like Martha Stewart. Most people do not.

Forex trading on the other hand is easier in the sense that this is a very lucrative investment opportunity given the right expert advisor, to advise your trade and supply your signal, generally to guide you. That is the first choice. You need a broker. It's a lot easier than you think and in the Forex industry is not as big a word as you think, it's easy to get and you do not have to meet them directly or anything. This is an online thing.

Article Source:

from Inspirator Media - Inspirasi & Inovasi

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Sinyal Profit Forex

Apa itu Perdagangan Forex:

Forex Trading adalah perdagangan mata uang dari berbagai negara terhadap satu sama lain. Forex adalah pasar antar bank yang terbentuk pada tahun 1971 ketika perdagangan global bergeser dari nilai tukar tetap ke yang mengambang. Ini adalah serangkaian transaksi di antara agen pasar Forex yang melibatkan pertukaran sejumlah uang tertentu dalam satuan mata uang dari suatu negara tertentu untuk mata uang negara lain pada tingkat yang disepakati pada tanggal tertentu. Selama pertukaran, nilai tukar satu mata uang ke mata uang lain ditentukan secara sederhana: oleh penawaran dan permintaan - pertukaran yang disetujui kedua belah pihak.

Sebenarnya Forex adalah permainan keuangan antara BULLS dan BEARS.

Pasangan mata uang utama adalah:


Dan ini adalah 6 Pasar Forex terbaik.

Apa itu Sinyal Forex?

Sinyal Forex adalah indikator yang memberi tahu Anda kapan waktu yang tepat untuk membeli atau menjual pasangan mata uang. Mereka memberi Anda wawasan tentang apa yang terjadi di pasar Forex tanpa perlu memonitor tren Forex sepanjang hari. Jika Anda berwiraswasta atau dipekerjakan oleh perusahaan lain, perdagangan Forex kemungkinan merupakan usaha paruh waktu untuk Anda. Anda tidak akan punya waktu untuk duduk di depan komputer dan memonitor pasar Forex sepanjang hari. Sinyal-sinyal Forex dapat dikirimkan kepada Anda sepanjang hari oleh para pedagang Forex profesional untuk memberi Anda gambaran tentang apa yang terjadi di pasar. Anda dapat menerima sinyal, dan kemudian menempatkan sinyal untuk membeli atau menjual.

Sinyal Forex pada dasarnya "disarankan" membeli dan menjual poin dengan target harga dan tingkat stop-loss yang disampaikan oleh penyedia sinyal fx kepada para pedagang. Mereka dapat dikirimkan melalui email, instant messenger, ponsel, sistem perdagangan mata uang langsung atau langsung ke metatrader sinyal Forex Anda di desktop Anda.

Perdagangan valas adalah bisnis yang berisiko dan perlu waktu untuk menguasai seni sinyal perdagangan valas. Ada sejumlah penyedia sinyal fx tetapi sebelum Anda memilih, Anda perlu memastikan bahwa Anda telah melakukan pekerjaan rumah Anda. Selalu minta sinyal Gratis untuk dikirimkan selama 3 hingga 5 hari dan uji sinyal-sinyal tersebut di Akun Demo Anda.

Karakteristik utama dari sinyal trading Forex yang harus diperhatikan adalah sebagai berikut;

Biaya: langganan bulanan
Kompleksitas: Sederhana "satu email sehari" ATAU Layanan Lengkap
Kontrol: Anda memegang kendali penuh ATAU penyedia sinyal memperdagangkan a / c untuk Anda

Sebagian besar sinyal perdagangan Forex mengenakan biaya berlangganan yang sangat sederhana, biasanya di wilayah USD $ 80 - $ 400 per bulan.

Jika Anda baru dalam perdagangan Forex, Anda mungkin menyadari betapa pentingnya untuk membuat keputusan perdagangan yang tepat. Satu gerakan perdagangan yang salah dapat secara drastis merugikan portofolio Anda sementara langkah yang baik dapat membawa keuntungan luar biasa. Itu sebabnya sinyal trading sangat penting. Setelah Anda mencoba akun demo Forex untuk berlatih dan membuat strategi yang berhasil untuk Anda, Anda dapat menambahkan layanan sinyal perdagangan sebagai alat yang berguna dalam perdagangan Valas Anda.

Dengan Forex online, menemukan layanan sinyal perdagangan lebih mudah dari sebelumnya.

Dalam bentuk yang paling sederhana, sinyal perdagangan Forex akan mengirimi Anda email peringatan Forex sekali sehari untuk mencantumkan pengaturan perdagangan untuk 24 jam ke depan.

Beberapa penyedia sinyal Forex menawarkan layanan percobaan gratis, sehingga memungkinkan pedagang mata uang untuk mengambil sampel sinyal untuk menilai nilainya. Ini adalah langkah yang bermanfaat, karena memungkinkan trader untuk mempertimbangkan kualitas dan keandalan sinyal sebelum membayar uang. Ini adalah elemen penting dalam proses penelitian, dan menyingkirkan penyedia yang menginginkan uang dimuka karena mereka tidak yakin dengan kemampuan mereka untuk memanggil perdagangan yang menguntungkan. Ini adalah layanan bagus yang dapat Anda coba gratis selama 3 hingga 5 hari.

Berbagai penyedia sinyal fx menawarkan beberapa layanan gratis bersama dengan yang berfitur. Carilah perusahaan sinyal fx yang menyediakan dukungan email, bantuan telepon dan bahkan mentoring ke klien mereka. Ini sangat berharga, terutama bagi para pedagang baru.

Mereka menugaskan waktu mereka membantu pedagang dalam mengambil keputusan membeli / menjual. Pedagang valas bergantung pada dan mempercayai rekomendasi dari penyedia sinyal profesional ini, sambil membuat keputusan investasi di pasar Forex

Sinyal Forex tidak dimaksudkan sebagai solusi ajaib untuk semua masalah Forex Anda. Mereka dirancang untuk memberi tahu Anda tentang pasar.

Waktu bisnis forex sangat penting; seorang trader dapat menghasilkan jutaan atau bahkan kehilangan lebih tergantung pada tindakan tepat waktu atau waktunya. Selain itu, menjadi pasar terbesar di muka bumi - itu menghasilkan kegiatan bisnis hampir 3 triliun USD, beroperasi sepanjang waktu, di seluruh dunia, sehingga mustahil bagi pedagang untuk tetap waspada sepanjang waktu tentang fluktuasi pasar dan kemungkinan perubahan di dalamnya. Oleh karena itu, trader membutuhkan alarm dan indikator untuk mendapatkan pengetahuan tentang kemungkinan peluang dan kemungkinan nilai pitch. Oleh karena itu kebutuhan akan sinyal atau peringatan Forex. Pada dasarnya, tanda atau sinyal Forex adalah komunikasi atau pemberitahuan kepada pedagang yang menunjukkan waktu matang untuk membeli / menjual dan harga yang sesuai untuk membayar / meminta. Seringkali, sinyal dan peringatan semacam itu disediakan oleh profesional terlatih, baik perorangan maupun perusahaan.

Ketika memilih layanan sinyal Forex, pastikan perusahaan menawarkan jenis sinyal yang Anda butuhkan. Setiap orang berbeda. Beberapa memerlukan pemberitahuan komputer atau email, sementara yang lain tidak akurat Sinyal forex dibuat untuk trader profesional dan meskipun trader baru. Sistem perdagangan sinyal Forex terbaik akan mencakup beberapa situasi di pasar Forex. Misalnya, sinyal perdagangan Forex terbaik akan mencakup semua mata uang utama seperti GBP, USD, dan EUR setiap saat pasar dibuka, tidak hanya untuk situasi tertentu. Cukup untuk mendapatkan nilai penuh dari perdagangan Forex Anda, Anda harus tahu apa yang terjadi dalam semua mata uang utama. Sistem Forex juga harus dapat memberi Anda setidaknya 1-3 sinyal sinyal trading Forex sehari.

Beberapa sinyal perdagangan Forex adalah scalper volume tinggi, memanggil banyak perdagangan dalam satu hari yang bertujuan untung beberapa pips pada masing-masing. Yang lain hanya menyebut beberapa perdagangan sehari, yang bertujuan untung 20 - 80 pips pada setiap perdagangan tunggal.
Penyedia sinyal perdagangan forex membantu Anda meminimalkan risiko atau kerugian dalam perdagangan.

Sinyal-sinyal forex umumnya diberikan setiap hari dan semuanya bergantung pada analisis pasar faktual dan aliran perilaku dan bukan hanya desas-desus dan spekulasi lainnya.

Sinyal dihitung dan dihasilkan dengan menggunakan indikator yang berbeda seperti tren, rata-rata bergerak, gelombang Elliot, Bollinger bands, deret Fibonacci, dll. Meskipun demikian, beberapa menggunakan strategi seperti:

Pip Maximizer Metode 1
Pip Maximizer Metode 2
Metode Pembalikan Pip
Metode Divergensi Pip
Metode Pip Instan
Metode Pemulihan Pip
Strategi Quantum Pip

... untuk memberikan sinyal yang menguntungkan dan akurat.

Pertanyaan berikut yang ingin saya sampaikan adalah banyaknya pilihan sinyal Forex yang dapat kita pilih. Karena berbagai penyedia layanan, mereka menawarkan layanan yang berbeda, yang harus kita sadari. Jenis penyedia sinyal valas yang pertama hanya akan mengirimkan pemberitahuan perdagangan melalui email, sering setiap hari, kadang-kadang pada beberapa interval sepanjang hari. Dengan demikian Anda perlu memiliki laptop dari perangkat penerima email siap setiap saat, untuk mendapatkan hasil maksimal dari perdagangan sinyal Forex.

Jenis berikutnya yang perlu dipertimbangkan adalah melalui EA / Expert Advisors. Jenis-jenis sinyal ini tidak bagus sama sekali karena itu adalah program yang berorientasi pada komputer yang dapat merusak uang Anda dalam beberapa perdagangan. Tapi untungnya ini bukan masalah besar hari ini, karena lebih banyak pedagang memiliki perangkat membaca email. Aspek yang paling penting mengenai format yang Anda terima sinyal, adalah memastikan bahwa Anda segera menerimanya, dan memiliki kemampuan untuk bertindak langsung - sehingga Anda harus memiliki akses langsung ke akun broker Forex Anda, dan menempatkan perdagangan sebagai segera setelah Anda secara manusiawi bisa.

Manfaat unik dari perdagangan sinyal Forex adalah memberikan bimbingan dan disiplin dalam pedagang mata uang Forex. Penyedia layanan sinyal untung valas mengirimi Anda peringatan saat kondisi tepat untuk perdagangan. Mereka menggunakan teknologi mutakhir yang terus memantau semua pasangan mata uang utama untuk menghasilkan indikator teknis.

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from Inspirator Media - Inspirasi & Inovasi

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Sekarang ini tidak mudah bagi seorang aktor maupun aktris untuk menjalani shooting film. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah karena kostum yang dikenakan terkadang membuat tidak nyaman, terutama kostum film kolosal. Pernahkah kamu melihat bagaimana kondisi aktor dan aktris dari setengah badan ke bawah saat shooting?

Dalam film “Phoenix Nirvana” bagian dari pinggang ke atas terlihat sangat keren, tapi bagian dari pinggang ke bawah ternyata dipasangi banyak perlengkapan untuk perlindungan. Terkadang di saat cuaca dingin, mereka malah harus shooting mengenakan celana pendek.

Lalu, bagaimana ya nasib mereka yang harus shooting memakai kostum film kolosal? Nah, ini salah satu foto pada saat mereka harus shooting di musim panas. Dari pinggang ke atas sih baik-baik saja, tapi pas di-shoot bagian bawahnya…

Kalau yang ini salah satu aktor Tiongkok bernama Jiang Jinfu di tengah-tengah waktu istirahat shooting. Kepanasan sampai segitunya yah?

Shen Mengchen, aktris cantik Tiongkok, juga tidak mau kalah gaya dengan aktor-aktor tadi!

Ternyata menjalani proses shooting itu benar-benar tidak semudah yang kita bayangkan!


from Inspirator Media - Inspirasi & Inovasi

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